Two members of the FRIBIS “Basisgeld” team recently contributed to the public debate on direct transfer payments. On October 17, 2024, Dr. Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn, Member of the German Parliament and FRIBIS Basisgeld team member, presented the Basisgeld concept developed by team leader Prof. Alexander Spermann in the German Bundestag:

Additionally, Dr. Stefan Bach, research associate at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and Basisgeld team member, presents proposals for implementing a per-capita climate premium in a recent audio interview, which is also detailed in the DIW Weekly Report. Bach proposes an annual climate premium of 124 euros that could be paid out unbureaucratically via tax ID starting in 2026. A distinctive feature of his concept: The premium would be gradually reduced for higher incomes through the tax system, thereby freeing up additional funds for targeted support of low-income households.

Dr. Stefan Bach