This year, between 16 and 20 January, the first FRIBIS Winter School was held under the title “Today’s global challenges and the UBI debate”. Philippe Van Parijs, one of the world’s leading basic income researchers, hosted the event. Over the five days, the participants focused on whether recent challenges, such as the climate crisis, the pandemic and international tensions and conflicts, will put UBI on the backburner or provide grounds for its growth.
Many participants of the Winter School have taken the past months as an opportunity to reflect on the event and to formulate their own thoughts on issues related to the UBI. The results can now be read in six recently published English-language policy papers:
- Alina Plitman: Evidence of Laziness
- Joaquín Baliña, Fabienne Hansen, Tobias Jaeger and Jeeeun Jang: Global imbalances and Universal Basic Income: Thoughts on inequality and „Real Freedom for All“
- Lida Kuang, Ji-eun Lee: European Social Protection Trends and Proposals for Basic Income in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Focus on Social Exclusion
- Franziska Leopold, Bianca Blum, Larissa Walter: Tax-financed Basic Income – Comparison between three financing schemes and their normative implications
- Dominik Schröder, Clem Davies: Some regulatory foundations of UBI in Germany
- Jessica Schulz & Simon März: Lifelong Learning. Education as an economic factor of Universal Basic Income