First Annual FRIBIS Conference 2021: Monetary Issues of UBI

First Annual FRIBIS Conference 2021: Monetary Issues of UBI

Watch the recordings of the contributions of the first annual FRIBIS conference, 2021 on our Youtube channel. This year's the FRIBIS conference shed light on an emerging topic in economics of UBI: the monetary issues of a UBI. Monetary aspects are becoming more...

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Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress 2021

Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress 2021

The Basic Income Earth Network Congress will be held from Wednesday 18 – Saturday 21 August 2021. It will focus on the question of how to take Basic Income from idea to reality. The conference will be hosted on Whova, a specialist online conference platform, and will...

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FRIBIS publishes two new papers on Net Basic Income

FRIBIS publishes two new papers on Net Basic Income

Bernhard Neumärker, Bianca Blum, Burhan Yalcin and Sema Yalcin have jointly published a new paper in the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, which is available in both German and English. Its topic is the counterfinancing of the Net Basic Income in times of debt-financed...

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Online-Event NetFi: First results of Circles network analysis

Online-Event NetFi: First results of Circles network analysis

The FRIBIS team “Network Analysis and Financial Diaries” (NetFi) is researching community currencies and investigating their use in UBI pilot projects. In the online event n August 5th 2021, the team discussed various network analysis methods that can be used to learn...

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Biral Seminar June 14th

Biral Seminar June 14th

BIRAL, a collaboration between the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), the Basic Income Research Group of the Gyeonggi Research Institute (GRI), the Jain Family Institute (JFI) and FRIBIS, invites to a roundtable discussion. Participants in this event will discuss...

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