Online-Talk: Basic Income and Gender
on June 4th at 3:30 pm (GMT), duration 1 1/4 hours
public event, event language: English
Workshop: Are UBI Experiments necessary to implement a UBI?
On Mai 21st at 3 pm GMT, Amy Castro Baker, Bru Laín, Jamie Cooke and Head of FRIBIS Bernhard Neumärker discuss the pros and cons of experiments on the path to the implementation of a UBI.
Discussion Panel on Stimulus Checks and UBI on Mai 20th
On Mai 20th, 6 pm GMT a panel discussion on the Economic Impact Payments in the US and what they mean for basic income in the UK. Among the participants is Prof. Almaz Zelleke, who is part of the FRIBIS Team UBI and Gender. Registrations are possible now.
Geoff Crocker on Post-Covid Economics
An article by FRIBIS-Member Geoff Crocker on how dept-free money and a Universal Basic Income can help in the current Covid-crisis.
Workshop: Ethics of UBI in a Changing Economy
On April 23rd, an online-workshop on the ethics of a Universal Basic Income is hosted by the King’s College London.
Tender for Post-Doctoral Researcher in Bath, London
The Institute for Policy Research (IPR) at the University of Bath is seeking a post-doctoral research associate for a new programme of microsimulation research on Universal Basic Income (UBI).
Expedition BGE starts recruiting cities for pilot project
“Expedition Basic Income” is looking for cities and communities all over Germany to start pilot projects for an unconditional basic income.
BIEN Congress 2021 – Call for Papers
The call for papers for the BIEN Conference 2021 was extended to April 16th, 2021.
Funding Basic Income by dept-free Sovereign Money – Talk by Geoff Crocker
Geoff Crocker is the initiator of the FRIBIS team Financing UBI with a focus on money created by the government free of debt, Sovereign Money.
Here you can see the recording of his talk Funding Basic Income by dept-frеe Sovereign Money from Feb 13th, 2021 at London Futurists and Radix Think Tank.
Introduction of the Net Basic Income to the German Parliament’s Petitions Committee
On the 26.10.2020, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker introduced his model of a Net Basic Income to the German Parliament’s Petitions Committee, with the intent of a direct implementation in times of the Corona-Crisis, and with the option to extend it to a full Basic Income once the crisis has passed.
Enno Schmidt at the Financial University in Moscow, “Growth or Recession: What to Expect?”
The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow invited Enno Schmidt to the international forum “Growth or Recession: What to Expect?”
Report from the Opening Ceremony
Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) has been established at the University of Freiburg, Germany.