Patrick Oschwald, Eva Jacob, Adalbertus Kamanzi, Gudrun Kaufmann, February 13th, 2024:
Distributional Decision-Making of Disadvantaged Individuals – A Proposal for an Experimental Extension
Hedvig Mendonca, Lida Kuang, Simon März, Larissa Walter, February 13th, 2024:
Does voluntary social cooperation promote liberal egalitarian justice?
Fabienne Hansen, Tobias Jäger, January 11th, 2024:
How to Approach What People Think About the Malibu Surfer: Basic Income, Public Opinion, and the Scope of Scientific Methodology
Tobias Dumschat, November 2nd, 2023:
Rethinking the UBI Debate: Exploring Care Beyond Gender
Jessica Schulz, Simon März, April 11, 2023:
Lifelong Learning. Education as an economic factor of Universal Basic Income
Dominik Schröder, Clem Davies, April 11, 2023:
Some regulatory foundations of UBI in Germany
Lida Kuang, Ji-eun Lee, April 11, 2023:
European Social Protection Trends and Proposals for Basic Income in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Focus on Social Exclusion
Joaquín Baliña, Fabienne Hansen, Tobias Jaeger, and Jeeeun Jang, April 11, 2023:
Global imbalances and Universal Basic Income: Thoughts on inequality and “Real Freedom for All”
Alina Plitman, April 11, 2023:
Evidence of Laziness
Franziska Leopold, Bianca Blum, Larissa Walter, April 11, 2023:
Tax-financed Basic Income – Comparison between three financing schemes and their normative implications
Enno Schmidt, September 30, 2022:
“A Tribute to Götz Werner at the BIEN Congress”
Clem Davies & Kyra Sophie Rimrodt, September 13, 2022:
“Comments on Capital Endowment“
Lida Kuang, June 28, 2022:
“Net Basic Income – A solution to post-crisis justice issues”
Jessica Schulz, June 22, 2022:
“Through the lens of feminism. Basic income from a feminist perspective (FRIBIS Team UBI & Gender)”
Simon März, June 15, 2022:
“Why a UBI testing on a municipal basis is relevant for Germany”
Sonny Mumbunan, Ni Made Rahayu Maitri, Georg Buchholz, Fabian Schmidt-Pramov, May 04, 2022:
Basic income for nature and climate: A forest carbon dividend in Tanah Papua
Bernhard Neumärker, January 27, 2022:
Social Contracting for UBI in Namibia: Investigating in Foreign Aid Basic Income [FABI]
Geoff Crocker (Team FUBI), 19. Mai 2021:
Towards a definition and validation of debt-free sovereign money
Team Bundestagspetition Nr. 108191 Crisis Basic Income, 27. November 2020:
The Net Basic Income: Team German Parliament Petition on Crisis Basic Income
Burhan Yalcin, Bianca Blum, Bernhard Neumärker; 5. November 2020:
Offsetting a net basic income (NBI)
Bernhard Neummärker, Enno Schmidt, Bianca Blum; 5. November 2020:
The Net Basic Income