On Thursday, 27th April, Prof. Dr. Jurgen De Wispelaere will present an evening lecture on “Basic Income Trials: The problem of assuring (continued) political commitment”.
Time: 06:15 – 07:45 p.m.
Place: Hybrid (Online & Onsite)
KG I, HS 1016
Platz der Universität 3
79098 Freiburg
Zoom link: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/64196294119?pwd=empCaW5zNmUyTEFKV1BHemx4eHFjQT09
Abstract: In the last decade basic income trials in the form of social experiments or small-scale pilot schemes have mushroomed in Europe and elsewhere in the world. While some private initiatives exist, in many cases basic income trials are initiated and supported by political actors, including in several cases national coalition governments. The fate of such basic income trials following an initial political announcement is often uncertain as political commitment waxes and wanes in response to a variety of political realities. Whereas initial political interest and support is often sincere, assuring the continued commitment over the lifetime of the trial is a challenge that is little analysed and poorly understood. This presentation offers an analysis of the dynamics of political support underlying basic income trials by looking in some detail at four recent and ongoing cases: Finland, Ontario, Catalunya and Ireland. On the surface, each of these cases appears to have developed in very different directions and resulted in very distinct outcomes. But I argue that the cases are more similar than they appear at first sight and a common set of challenges besets each of them. Adopting a comparative case analysis allows us to draw important insight into the dynamics of political commitment and learn key lessons about how to assure continued political commitment for future basic income trials.
This evening lecture is part of the FRIBIS Lecture Series.