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UBIMar/CEDE Methods Workshop – From Policy Puzzles to Research Strategies: Studying Municipal Social Policies in Maricá, Niterói and Beyond

Juni 27, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

UBIMar/CEDE Methods Workshop – From Policy Puzzles to Research Strategies: Studying Municipal Social Policies in Maricá, Niterói and Beyond

General Information

Where? Universidade Federal Fluminense, Gragoatá, Bloco F, Auditório
When? Thursday, 27/06/2024

Further information available here


As the first ever implemented basic income-inspired municipal social policy, the Renda Básica de Cidadania de Maricá (RBC) has become a beacon of innovation in municipal basic income research, as it re-defines a field that before heavily drew from speculations of “what could be.” Having a closer look at this policy, which through post-pandemic expansion is now multiple policies in various stages of planning and implementation throughout Rio de Janeiro state (and in some cases beyond), it can be seen that the Maricá case involves many moving elements. A point can be made that regarding policy expansion and diffusion, the movements of people, ideas, and procedures are not always as straightforward as they seem.

This workshop aims to bring together various perspectives on policy puzzles presented by the RBC and its cousins, like the Moeda Social Arariboia in Niterói. In this context, it asks how to continue with cohesive research questions into the field of social policy diffusion, as “the Maricá model” keeps spreading into other Brazilian municipalities. The workshop aspires to discuss developing an integrated approach toward solving re-appearing policy puzzles within the municipal social policies in Maricá and Niterói. In this context, it hopes to create synergies between scientific disciplines and bring together varying perspectives on Brazil’s expanding municipal basic income policyscape. With the development of new and re-emerging research questions on the diffusion of “the Maricá model” in mind, this event will attempt to connect plural positionalities within the emerging debate of this new wave of Brazilian municipal social policy diffusion.


Speaker and Topic

Welcome and Introduction

Fabio Waltenberg (Federal Fluminense University/CEDE) and Fabienne Hansen (University of Freiburg/Federal Fluminense University)



“The Forest and the Trees:” The Maricá Model and its Mass of (Conflicting) Information

Discussants: Andrea Gama (CEDE), Fabienne Hansen (University of Freiburg/Federal Fluminense University), and Jéssica Maldonado (Federal Fluminense University/CEDE)

Chair: Fernando Freitas (Federal Fluminense University/CEDE)

12:00–14:00 Lunch Break



Renda Básica de Cidadania: It Works in Practice but Does it Work in Theory?

Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Bath)

Chair: Fabio Waltenberg (Federal Fluminense University/CEDE)

15:30–16:00 Coffee Break



Um ato de equilíbrio? Estudando políticas sociais na interface política-pesquisa

Debatedores: Maicon Carlos (SMASES Niterói), Leandro Ferreira (RBRB), and Jimmy Medeiros (FGV)

Moderador/a: Andrea Gama (CEDE)


Closing Remarks

Fabio Waltenberg (Federal Fluminense University/CEDE) and Fabienne Hansen (University of Freiburg/Federal Fluminense University)


Literature Recommendations

Arretche, M., Ferreira, H. G. (2024). “When Incumbents Successfully Retrench Big and Popular Social Policies: Policy Design Matters.” Journal of Public Policy, pp. 1–22. DOI:10.1017/S0143814X24 000102.
De Wispelaere, J., Morales, L., Waltenberg, F. (2024). “Basic Income as a Pandemic Social Protection Instrument: Lessons from Maricá, Brazil.” International Social Security Review, 77 (1–2), pp. 121–136.
Medeiros, J. (2023). “Renda básica pela perspectiva do legislativo municipal fluminense: olhares sobre desenho, financiamento, cobertura e condicionalidades.” Revista Econômica, 25(2), pp. 105–137.
Sátyro, N. (2024). “Social Policies in Brazil: An Introduction.” In Natália Sátyro (ed.), Social Policies in Times of Austerity and Populism: Lessons from Brazil (pp. n/a). Routledge.
Sugiyama, N. B. (2008). “Ideology and Networks: The Politics of Social Policy Diffusion in Brazil.” Latin American Research Review, 43(3), pp. 82–108.
Suplicy, E. M. (2018). Renda de cidadania: a saída é pela porta (7th ed.). Cortez Editora.
Waltenberg, F., and Katz, P. (eds). (2023). Renda básica e economia solidária: o exemplo de Maricá. Cortez Editora.


Please, note that this workshop will be held in English/Portuguese (panels marked accordingly). It will take place exclusively offline/in person at the location named above. Further, the organizers do not discriminate against any person based on race, colour, national origin, gender, disability, or age (and any other bases you wish to include) who want to participate in this event.


Juni 27, 2024
10:00 am - 6:00 pm