Keynote by Prof. Dr. Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai) at the FRIBIS Annual Conference 2023: “Toward a Gender-Inclusive Social Policy State”

Almaz Zelleke, professor of Practice in Political Science at NYU Shanghai, and member of the FRIBIS team UBI and Gender, holds a keynote at the FRIBIS Annual Conference 2023 on the 09th of October. Title: Toward a Gender-Inclusive Social Policy State Time: 09.10.2023, 01:30-03:00 p.m. (CEST) Place: Hybrid (Onsite: HS 1221, KG1 / Online: Zoom-Link)Abstract: […]

Keynote von Mag. Margit Appel auf der FRIBIS Jahrestagung 2023: “Zusammendenken: Arbeit – Care – Grundeinkommen”

Margit Appel, Politikwissenschaftlerin mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten Feministische Ökonomie, Arbeitsteilung, Demokratie und Partizipation hält im Rahmen der FRIBIS Jahrestagung 2023 am 10.10.2023 eine Keynote. Titel: Zusammendenken: Arbeit – Care – Grundeinkommen Zeit: 10.10.2023, 09:00-10:00 Uhr Ort: Hybrid (Präsenz: HS 1221, KG1 / Online: Zoom-Link)Abstract: Arbeit in ihrer Gesamtheit ist eine individuell und gesamtgesellschaftlich bedeutungsvolle menschliche Praxis. […]

Podiumsdiskussion auf der FRIBIS Jahrestagung 2023: “Care-Ökologie und das Grundeinkommen: eine komplexe Beziehung”

Am Dienstag, den 10. Oktober 2023, moderiert Prof. Dr. Ute Fischer (FH Dortmund & FRIBIS Team care) eine Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der FRIBIS Jahrestagung 2023 zum Thema „Care-Ökologie und das Grundeinkommen: eine komplexe Beziehung“. Die Gäste sind Mag. Margit Appel, Prof. Dr. Georg Cremer, Dr. Christine Rudolf & Prof. Dr. Sascha Liebermann. Titel: Care-Ökologie und […]

Keynote by Prof. Dr. Ben Trott (Leuphana) at the FRIBIS Annual Conference 2023: “A Queer Case for the Basic Income at Our Current Conjuncture: Political Philosophy, Individual Rights and De-Individualisation”

Ben Trott, visiting professor at the Institute for Philosophy and Art History at Leuphana University of Lüneburg presents a keynote at the FRIBIS Annual Conference 2023 on the 10th of October. Title: A Queer Case for the Basic Income at Our Current Conjuncture: Political Philosophy, Individual Rights and De-Individualisation Time: 10.10.2023, 02:30-04:00 p.m. (CEST) Place: […]

Science Talk im Liefmann-Haus

Liefmann-Haus Goethestraße 33, Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland

English version below Science Talk im Liefmann-Haus Am Donnerstag, den 12. Oktober 2023 findet im Rahmen des ERASMUS+ Forschungsprojekts ecoMOD, an dem das FRIBIS als ein Partner beteiligt ist, ein Science Talk im Liefmann-Haus statt. Zeit: 19:00-20:30 Uhr Ort: Liefmann-Haus, Goethestraße 33, 79100 Freiburg Zur Veranstaltung: Ob Klimawandel, Rezession oder die zukünftige Finanzierung unserer sozialen […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Dr. Kelly Howson & Neil Coleman on October 19, 2023: “Pay The Grants in Africa: The UBI Guarantee in South Africa”

Dr. Kelle Howson & Neil Coleman, both from the Institute of Economic Justice, are going to open the Politics of Basic Income Talk Series! Title: Pay The Grants in Africa: The UBI Guarantee in South Africa Time: 19.10.2023, 04:00-05:30 pm (UK). Location: Zoom (Click here to join the meeting)Abstract: Leading figures from the Institute for […]

Film & Seminar: Documentary Film “Crazy Money” & Seminar “Cash without conditions: Methodology, results & sustainability of unconditional cash transfers in Uganda and DR Congo”

aka Filmclub Schänzlestraße 9, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the documentary film "Crazy Money" will be shown in cooperation with the aka Filmclub. Time: 08:00-10:00 PMLocation: Schänzlestr. 9, 79104 Freiburg im BreisgauTickets are available at the evening box office only! On Friday, October 27, 2023 a basic income seminar will be held by "Crazy Money"-director Steven Janssens & project […]

Vortragsreise: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen – eine Utopie gut durchgerechnet

Zwischen 7. und 10. November 2023 reisen Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker (Ökonom) und Daniel Weißbrodt (Germanist & Autor) durch Thüringen, um die Idee des Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens vorzustellen. Häufig wird gegen die Idee eines Grundeinkommens das Argument ins Feld geführt, seine flächendeckende Einführung sei zu teuer. Bernhard Neumärker und Daniel Weißbrodt lassen diesen Einwand nicht gelten. […]

Andrea Gama (CEDE): “Local currency, solidarity economy and public policy: The case of the mumbuca economy” (FRIBIS Lecture Series)

On Monday, 13 November, Andrea Gama (CEDE – Center for Studies on Inequality and Development) will present an evening lecture on “Local currency, solidarity economy and public policy: The case of the mumbuca economy”. Time:  04:00 – 06:00 p.m.Place: Werthmannstraße 4; HS 01 016This lecture is an integrated part of the class "Brasilianische Perspektiven zwischen […]

Expert Workshop @ KU Leuven on “Public Support for Basic Income: Methodological Advances and Challenges”

On November 16-17, 2023, the expert workshop titled "Public Support for Basic Income: Methodological Advances and Challenges" will be held at KU Leuven in Belgium. The workshop is organized by Tijs Laenen (Basic Income in Belgium project, KU Leuven), Joe Chrisp (Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath), and Jurgen De Wispelaere (Götz Werner Chair, […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Stacey Rutland & Shafeka Hashash on November 16, 2023: “How to Grow a Movement: The Importance of Strategic Funding & the Case of the US.”

Stacey Rutland (Founder & President of Income Movement) & Shafeka Hashash (Program Manager, Guaranteed Income Community of Practice) are going to continue the Politics of Basic Income Talk Series! Title: How to Grow a Movement: The Importance of Strategic Funding & the Case of the US. Time: 16.11.2023, 04:00-05:30 pm (UK). Location: Zoom (Click here […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Bru Laín & Aida Martinez on December 21, 2023: “What’s Happening in Catalunya?”

Bru Laín (Associate Professor, University of Barcelona) & Aida Martinez (Data Analyst, Opinion Studies Center in Catalonia) are the third guests in the Politics of Basic Income Talk Series! Title: What’s Happening in Catalunya? Time: 21.12.2023, 04:00-05:30 pm (UK). Location: Zoom (Click here to join the meeting)Abstract: Bru Laín and Aida Martinez will be talking us […]