Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Bru Laín & Aida Martinez on December 21, 2023: “What’s Happening in Catalunya?”

Bru Laín (Associate Professor, University of Barcelona) & Aida Martinez (Data Analyst, Opinion Studies Center in Catalonia) are the third guests in the Politics of Basic Income Talk Series! Title: What’s Happening in Catalunya? Time: 21.12.2023, 04:00-05:30 pm (UK). Location: Zoom (Click here to join the meeting)Abstract: Bru Laín and Aida Martinez will be talking us […]

Abendvortrag von Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar: „Die 3-E des Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens aus ökonomischer Sicht: einfach, effektiv und effizient”

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, KG 1, HS 1016 Platz der Universität 3, Freiburg

Am Donnerstag, dem 11. Januar 2024, kommt der prominente Ökonom und Grundeinkommensbefürworter Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar auf Einladung des FRIBIS nach Freiburg, um einen Abendvortrag zu halten. Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr c.t. Ort: KG 1, HS 1016, Platz der Universität 3, 79098 FreiburgDer Vortrag geht der Frage nach, wie eine zukunftsfähige Steuer- und […]

ABGESAGT: Vortrag von Prof. Nothelle-Wildfeuer und Prof. Neumärker: „Wirtschaft, Arbeitskultur, Grundeinkommen: Wege zu einer gerechteren Gesellschaft“

Die Veranstaltung kann aufgrund Krankheit nicht stattfinden! Im Wintersemester 2023/24 veranstaltet die Universität Freiburg eine interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Auch Prof. Bernhard Neumärker, leitender Gründungsdirektor des FRIBIS, wird gemeinsam mit der Theologin Prof. Ursula Nothelle-Wildfeuer (seit 2003 Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls Christliche Gesellschaftslehre an der Universität Freiburg) einen Vortrag beisteuern. Am 17. Januar 2023 sprechen […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Fabio Waltenberg on February 22, 2024: “Maricá’s Citizens Basic Income: Unconditional cash transfers paid in a municipal digital currency”

Fabio Waltenberg (Associate Professor, Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói, Brazil) is our guest in the Politics of Basic Income Talk Series! Title: Maricá's Citizens Basic Income: Unconditional cash transfers paid in a municipal digital currency Time: 22.02.2024, 04:00-05:30 pm (UK). Location: Zoom (Click here to join the meeting)Abstract: We will talk about the Citizens' Basic Income […]

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series – I’m Because We’re: Understanding the African Ubuntu Philosophy

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series Presentation 1: I'm Because We're: Understanding the African Ubuntu Philosophy Robert Senath Esuruku (University of Makerere, Kampala) The African philosophy of Ubuntu encapsulates a profound understanding of interconnectedness, empathy, and communal identity. Originating from various African cultures, Ubuntu emphasizes the inherent worth and dignity of every individual within the context of […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Nika Soon-Shiong, Liz Fouksman, Richard Wallace & Elise Klein on March 21, 2024: “Basic Income and Reparations”

Our four guests will speak about the links between UBI and growing calls for reparations as a tool for global social justice, which can address the historical and contemporary ills of racial capitalism, coloniality, and ongoing dispossession. Can UBI be a mechanism for achieving repair? Is it possible for UBI to advance justice if it […]

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series – Social Contract

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series Presentation 2: Social Contract Bernhard Neumärker (University of Freiburg) This presentation introduces the tradition of the social contract. It pays particular attention to its significance for the economy and further establishes a link between social contract theory and basic income.  After that it explores the question of how a basic income […]

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series – Universal Basic Income

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series Presentation 3: Universal Basic Income Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Bath) Basic income is increasingly considered a key feature in making social protection more inclusive and universal. As part of this approach basic income is often pushed as a social and economic right or even a human right. This presentation outlines […]

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series – Water-Energy-Food Nexus

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series Presentation 4: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Mike Jacobson (Penn State University) The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a useful framework for addressing complex transdisciplinary natural resource and environmental challenges in integrated, innovative ways. Practitioners of water-energy-food (WEF) nexus have recognized that an integrated approach, which assesses trade-offs and synergies in resource management instead of […]

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series – Social Protection

WEF-FABI Online Seminar Series Presentation 5: Social Protection Leo de Haan (International School of Social Studies, The Hague) AF Kamanzi (University of Namibia) Social protection, once a peripheral topic in development talks, gained prominence in the late 1990s. Initially seen as too costly for developing nations and primarily benefiting formal sector workers, it evolved with […]

Politics of Basic Income Talk Series – Vincent Liegey Presents ‘A Degrowth Perspective on UBI’ – April 18th at 4pm

Vincent Liegey will explore the integration of Universal Basic Income (UBI) within the degrowth movement, examining its potential as a tool for systemic change. Can UBI, when aligned with degrowth principles, contribute to a sustainable and equitable future? How does it intersect with broader strategies for social and economic transformation?   Title: A Degrowth Perspective […]